Book securely online with our Risk Free Guarantee. MJP Music Tuition will cover the cost of your first lesson if you are not 100% satisfied.
All of our expert tutors have been through a thorough application process and background check, which ensures a high standard of service.
No need to sign up to use our service; simply contact your preferred tutor using the contact form at the bottom of their profile. They'll be in touch with you shortly afterwards to arrange your first lesson.
MJP Music Tuition works in a unique way, making it a win-win deal for all students and tutors. No agency commission is passed onto you as a student, therefore all lesson prices are not inflated as such, like many other agencies.
You can be happy knowing that by booking a lesson through us, you will have contributed to making a positive difference to a young person's life. £1 is donated to Music for All for every lesson booked.
Contact your preferred tutor directly by sending a message using the contact box at the bottom of their profile.
Your new tutor will contact you shortly to arrange your first lesson!
"Playing tracks tailored to my ability has improved my skills, and is fun at the same time."
"Barnaby is a very confident pianist with an affinity and talent for the interpretations of French repertoire."
"Jack showed me simply how to direct my learning, allowing me to find real improvements immediately and continuously. His calm manner and real enthusiasm for music is infectious."
"Jack teaches with a clear and engaging trading style with good explanation on the go."
"I had the pleasure of taking lessons with Sam as part of the Jazz Summer School at Falmouth University. Sam is a great teacher well as an incredible player and the short time I spent learning from him has been invaluable to my playing. He was able to demystify walking bass lines and helped me to understand exactly what I need to be practicing. Using his advice over the last few months I have seen a massive improvement in my playing."
"Thank you so much for all the tips and advice over the week. My playing has improved tremendously and you've inspired me to work even harder in future and to continue playing the bass."